DAVID WRIGHT: Major Works in Australian Religious Glass

For almost half a century, David Wright has been producing glass with religious themes for sacred spaces in Australia, including sets of windows for over thirteen churches and fifteen chapels in schools or hospitals.  He was born in Melbourne in 1948 and grew up with a background in the Anglican Church.  He would eventually marry Sue, an Anglican priest.  Most of his religious work is in Anglican churches and chapels.

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LITURGICAL BANNERS: Religious Processions

The term ‘liturgical banner’ evokes for most Catholics the static seasonal decorations we see on the walls of our churches.  In the 1970s, these were often local amateur productions made by gluing felt cut-outs onto coloured hessian.  More recently they have been mass-produced by religious goods companies.  However, I would like to reflect on the liturgical banners which are carried in procession.
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